
A Day of Thanks

This post concludes our Thanksgiving Series! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! The recipes are just a few of our favorites for Thanksgiving, you can always find more options under our Recipe Index.

 From Des~
I'm going to get all personal on you here. It has been a tough year! Emotionally, financially, new move lots of adjustments lots of craziness in my life. Nothing that many of you have not gone through. Loss of job, moving- loss of friends (but then found new friends) away from all my family (but moved next to my sister, phew) I just tell you what- when it rains it pours! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. And things are looking up for us now....
BUT on this night of our Delicioso Thanksgiving Dinner I sat around looking at all these girls who have become my family and my support system. They have loved me and cried with me. They are amazing, genuine salt of the earth women. We are all so lucky to be blessed with a little piece of each of them on this blog.
Also- dear Aubrey- what would this blog be without her? Where would I be without her!  She is such a hard devoted worker. Her magic creative touch makes it pretty amazing! she's so talented and beautiful.
Here is a pic I snapped of her the night of....

Of course I'm most thankful for this guy and our family. Yes he is making a goofy face. He is the laughter in my life. Through thick and thin he is there, smiling and making me laugh. He loves my food and this ohso blog always been a huge supporter. 

Thank you Grammie Susie for your gorgeous house and accessories. holy moly. She is awesome. 

From Aubrey~
I need to give a great big Thank You!! to our dear friend Susie (Her and her hubby just above.) She is a wonderful lady with a stellar home and and eye for decor. Thank you for hosting our 'mock' Thanksgiving!  Also thank you to my hubby who has supported this blogging journey and has been a positive critic through it all. And for my 3 baby's!! I love that I have a family to cook for! It motivates me to cook healthier. As picky little eaters it challenges my skills everyday :)
 I'm so so grateful for the lady's that co-publish on this blog. They are some talented cooks and all around amazing women. I am lucky to know them. Thanks to Des, my sister. I admire her in many ways. Growing up with her has made me a better person. She is one person I hope to grow old and wobbly with.

 I am very very blessed. Not meaning that I have everything in the world and life is a piece of cake, but I have good people, a warm safe home, I can eat what I want, good health and a family that I just love to pieces. And I owe it all to my Heavenly Father.
Thanks to our readers and supporters who have watched us grow and develop this site! It is another child in our families :)   From all of us at Oh So Delicioso, Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope yours is wonderful.
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